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Letter from the Principal
Dear EMS Families,
I hope that despite the stress of rising COVID cases in our community, you were able to enjoy a restful, healthy and fun break. While I always appreciate breaks and the time they provide to reconnect with friends and family, I really enjoy the return to school afterwards, when students are excited to see their friends again, get back into the classroom, and learn together.
Of course, because of the times we are living in, we’ve had to be as or more cautious in our return than many of us wish we needed to be. Much of this week’s newsletter relates to updated health guidance, quarantine timeframes, vaccine clinics, and masking to ensure the well-being of our community. I’ve heard from many parents this week who feel concerned about case numbers in our county, state and nation. I want to assure you that we are doing all we can, and all that is advised, to protect the health of our school. Please take a moment to read through that guidance below, and I encourage you to take time this weekend to talk with your child about the importance of consistently, correctly wearing a mask while in school, washing hands regularly, and being mindful about symptoms. Thank you in advance for your partnership!
Be well!
Sabrina Westdijk
EMS Principal