Read the full EMS Newsletter here!
Message from the Principal
Dear EMS Families,
As we near a break, I wanted to share some of our recent efforts to sustain a positive school culture that elevates youth voice, celebrates students’ strengths, and encourages everyone to bring their best to our learning community!
First, YPAR students began visiting Community Time last week to introduce all students to the vision and important work of our Youth-Led Participatory Action Research group. They have done a tremendous job of building and delivering a presentation, and we hope that more students will be inspired to join.
Second, we rolled out several incentive programs last week, with the goal of rewarding and celebrating students who are modeling school expectations and contributing positively to our community, including…
- AP All-Stars: In its first week alone, 17 teachers participated in nominating students for this award. Honorees were announced today, and were given both a certificate that names the reason for their nomination, and an EMS spirit bracelet. It was wonderful to hear cheers and applause erupt in classrooms around the building as winners were announced this morning! Please see below for a picture of the first two weeks’ nominees.
- Superstar Slices: Last week and this week, the cafeteria supervision staff closely observed each lunch to find 2-3 tables in each who were exemplifying the cafeteria expectations. Students were delighted when we approached tables each Friday to tell them that they had won a slice of pizza, and when they walked back into the lunchroom to eat their prize, we overheard many other students commit to winning in the future. Beyond this week, we are considering randomizing these kinds of rewards so that students always know there is the potential to be celebrated for doing right in the lunchroom!
Over the last week, we also celebrated Spirit Week and launched a Clean School Challenge! We have seen many exceptional costumes this week, and watched many students really step up to take better care of our shared learning space. I have appreciated the positive energy in the building. Again, I feel so lucky to be part of this school community.
Please remember that school is in session through Wednesday, December 22. Beyond that, I wish you all a relaxing, joyful, and safe school vacation!
In partnership,
Sabrina Westdijk
EMS Principal