Dear EMS Families,
It has been a busy spring as spring sports continue, the end of the 2020-21 school year approaches, and planning for the 2021-22 school year begins. Students, whether on-site or fully remote, are working hard at having a strong finish to the school year.
As we approach the end of the year, I want to share some important dates again:
Monday, May 31 = Memorial Day = No school.
Monday, June 7 = Afternoon parent conferences = Students dismissed from school at 11:30am.
Tuesday, June 8 = Afternoon parent conferences = Students dismissed from school at 11:30am.
Wednesday, June 9 = Parent conferences from 8-11:30am.
Friday, June 11 = The last day of school for 8th grade students.
Monday, June 14 = 6th and 7th grade students dismissed from school at 11:30am.
Monday, June 14 = Celebration of Learning for 8th grade students: 2:30-3:30pm. Two tickets will be allocated for each student. Families of 8th grade students will continue to receive information as we get closer to the date.
Tuesday, June 15 = The last day of school for 6th and 7th grade. Dismissal at 11:30am.
Tuesday, June 15 = Rain date for the Celebration of Learning if it is delayed due to weather conditions.
There is a higher level of energy in the building due to spring weather and the increased number of students on site. It has been a very, very good energy. Students are enjoying having more peers with respect to socialization and collaboration. The students are working hard and building relationships. With each change, I continue to be grateful. I am grateful for these amazing kids with whom we get to work each day. The kids bring their best, and we are so fortunate to have them.
Take care, and thank you.